Camp PMC 101 course ONLINE
Camp PMC Online Course 101
I am thrilled to offer an online live-interactive CampPMC course! I truly believe that an in-person workshop is always best whenever possible, however, I also know that just isn’t always feasible. So…the second best is a live-interactive online course.
In this course, we will meet in an online video conferencing platform, where we will see each other face to face…like a virtual online classroom. While we are together, I will teach and demo through video and you will be able to ask questions and have them answered for you in real-time. Between classes, you will have full access to me via email and our private Facebook group that will be set up for each unique course. Through the Facebook Group, you can post questions, work in progress photos or your final photos.
I want this course to be the next best thing to sitting next to me working in my studio! I have put a lot of thought into it and tried to make it as easy as possible. Other than having your own basic metal clay tools, a torch, and a kiln everything else you need is included. The course price includes your workshops, instructions and demos, a physical copy of the manual, and ALL the materials you will need to complete each of the 5 projects. You will receive over $170 worth of supplies and materials!
I have tried to answer all the questions that you may have below. However, if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to reach out to me!
How does this course work?
- Within 1-2 days of your registration, I will email you out a tool supply list so you know what is required to complete the course
- We will meet online together once a week for 5 weeks.
- In order to pass this course, you will be required to complete all 5 projects and meet the requirements/objectives for each project.
- About 7 days prior to our first class you will receive a package in the mail from me. It will include a physical copy of your instruction manual, all the materials you will need to complete your projects, plus a few other bonus items.
- Approx. 1 week prior to the course you will receive a detailed email from me with information to log into the online video conferencing platform. This is a service that I pay for so there is NO additional cost to you. You may be required to download free software on your end to give you access, but there is NO additional cost to you.
What do I need to have for this course?
- Internet access
- Web Camera – either on your computer, IPAD or phone
- Basic Metal Clay Tools
- Torch and Kiln – This course requires both torch and kiln firing. If you do not have a kiln and would like to take this course I do offer Firing Services. Please contact me for more information.
- Camera (or phone) to take good photos of your completed pieces.
What is required to receive my CampPMC certificate and what do I get?
- You will learn the fundamental skills of working with metal clay and how to be successful with several PMC products and methods.
- You are required to complete all 5 projects and pass off the requirements/objectives for each project
- Submit to me by email your finished photos of your projects and a scanned copy of your written test.
- Once you have passed all 5 projects and the written test you will receive your certificate of completion.
- After you receive your certificate you will be eligible for a 8% discount on PMC clays through Clay Revolution and Rio Grande!
Cancellation Policy and Disclaimer:
- Once the manual and materials have been shipped to you, the class fee is non-refundable.
- This is a 4-week course, you are committing to be online each week during the scheduled class time.
- If you miss a class, you will have to review the manual, Facebook group, and online weekly course on your own to catch up on missed information. I understand life happens if my schedule allows I will work with you to do a quick makeup review of what you missed.
- I (Dawn Vizzi DiGesare) cannot be held responsible for technical difficulties that are beyond my control (power outage, poor internet connections etc.) I’m happy to do a 5-minute test session with you prior to our first meeting so that you can test your connection, camera, and overall quality of the video/sound.